Tag: shooting

  • Senseless Act of Poetry

    Senseless Act of Poetry

    As the Newtown “anniversary” approaches I came back to this poem I wrote on the day of that tragedy. It seems our world is confronted with the realities of these shootings almost every day now. The likes of Newtown, Roseburg, or just this week the San Bernardino shootings, are all too frequent. For most part,…

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  • Newtown


    A Poem Our wounds come at first breath In the blood of a garden at rest Toil cursed upon our commute Commissioned to die in our youth Hope like a blanket will be At the coming He will set us free. Inspiration There are virtually no words to describe the news today. Is this our…

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  • No Greater Love Than To Lay Down Your Life for Friends in Aurora

    No Greater Love Than To Lay Down Your Life for Friends in Aurora

    Every time I read about this story I can’t help but think how incredible this was. There wasn’t just one person who gave up his life for another in Aurora Colorado, but three people, who died in place of a friend. This story for some reason reminds me of the story about Arland D. Williams…

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I’m a freelance photographer and content manager based near Auburn, Alabama. I create everything from online content to managing social media so you can achieve what matters most to you.

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