Obama Inauguration is $150 Million Appeasement Party

I don’t do many political type posts, but that is all that is going on in the news today.ย  I can never remember when an inauguration got so much coverage.ย  It is well deserved, but nothing has stacked up to this $150 million party that Obama is throwing that finalizes tomorrow.ย  Obama has managed to create this show of shows by outspending Bush ($40 million) and even Clinton ($33 million) by bringing out all the biggest names in Hollywood and making such a spectacle of the whole thing and I will be glad when it is finally over and we can collectively get back to the work of the country.

This particular inauguration is turning out to be the ultimate part of appeasement for Obama.ย  He and has been playing both sides and there is no better example than what John Piper gave on a recent blog post How Barack Obama Will Make Christ a Minister of Condemnation.ย  From Gene Robinson, an openly non-celibate homosexual bishop in the Episcopal Church who will deliver the invocation to Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in California scheduled for Tuesday, back to Bruce Springsteen standing on the same stage with Garth Brooks (although Rick Warren and Garth Brooks do seem to be the exceptions).

Does anyone remember from back in highschool when you tried to date two girls at the same time?ย  It never worked and more times than not you would lose both girls in the process.ย  That may be a bad analogy, but I hope that doesn’t happen to Obama and he ends up loosing both sides.ย  All he will be left with are the ultra moderates who can’t ever make a decision about anything.ย  Nothing worse in my book than indecision and luke warm.ย  Even scriptures talk about being against Christ is better than not having an opinion at all.

The discussion in our house lately has been if we want to see Obama succeed as president or not (a question Mr Bill has posed on his show lately).ย  I do in fact want to see America become stronger, more prosperous, better educated, and succeed in general (of course that has different meaning to everyone).ย  If it takes Obama to do that, great.ย  No matter if we voted for him or not, he is our President now, we should get behind him, even if we disagree with him.

Some Totally Random Thoughts About Politics on January 19th

  • The word “Obama” is NOT in the wordpress spell check database
  • I am sick of hearing the news ask someone if they thought they would ever see a woman or African-American as President, I DON’T CARE.ย  I want to see the most qualified person for the job, ANY job, and I don’t care what race, nationality, or genger the person is.ย  If Bill Lester is the best person to put in a race car GREAT, if he can’t win races, get someone else in there.
  • What is the reason we have to spend $150 million on a party and not think about how this translates into his Presidency?
  • Thoughts on #2 :: Bail-out?ย  Auto industry, economy, people out of work, consumer confidence?
  • Bush put everything he had into his job over the last 8 years, we should be glad someone kept us safe
  • Pelosi and Reed should be totally ashamed at everything they have tried to do in prosecuting Bush administration officials
  • I am waiting for my check in the mail from the Obama administration (never got one from Bush)
  • Keith Olbermann is possibly the worst excuse for a journalist that MSNBC has ever hired (and they have a lot who fit in that category)
  • I personally don’t deserve said check from #8, I didn’t pay any taxes over the last few years because I didn’t make enough money

I wish the Obama administration well, and I hope they can keep American safe while turing around the economy, but most of all, I will be glad when this $150 million party you paid for is over and people can get back to work.

๐Ÿ”ต Cat:

3 responses to “Obama Inauguration is $150 Million Appeasement Party”

  1. b/ Avatar

    wow, are we trying to get some traffic today? Looks like you might catch some heat from this one, but great post.

    Only thing (from the English major side of me), “you would lose both girls”
    instead of “loose” both girls, and losing both sides instead of loose. Of course, I could see it being read that way, so maybe that’s what you intended

    b/s last blog post..A Tale of Two Missionaries // a killer story

  2. DK Fillmer Avatar

    Excellent post today!!

    DK Fillmers last blog post..Have You Been Knitting In Public?

  3. Jamie Burnett Avatar
    Jamie Burnett

    My Grandma, God rest her soul, used to have to bumper sticker that said, “Don’t blame me, I voted Republican.” Just a random fact for the day! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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