Dagger Kayaks on the Apostle Islands and Columbia River

Dagger Kayaks on a Lake

My wife and I in days past were quite active paddlers. We spent about 5 or so years kayaking all around the country in between conventions (our work), and because we were always traveling we were able to kayak in some really neat places. Just to name a few, we went out to the caves in Lake Superior near the Apostle Islands, the slot canyons at Lake Powell in Arizona, coastal surf in the North Carolina Outer Banks, rivers and lakes from Ohio to New York, and out to the great Columbia river in Oregon. Only problem, for me, was I never did like my particular kayak (the Dagger Cortez 16.5), for various reasons, but I never could get comfortable on a long paddle.

Dagger Kayaks on a Lake
Dagger Kayaks on a Lake
Deborah on Lake Powell in her Kayak
Deborah on Lake Powell in her Kayak
Deborah in her Kayak
Deborah in her Kayak
Deborah in her Kayak
Deborah in her Kayak
Deborah in her Kayak
Deborah in her Kayak
Me and My Kayak on Lake Powell
Me and My Kayak on Lake Powell

Since then we have tried to find different outdoor activities that we could both enjoy together, but never really found anything we both equally liked (other than sailing, which we might do again some day), so we decided to go back to kayaking, but with shorter, lighter, smaller, less expensive, kayaks we can just throw in the back of the truck and take to the nearest body of water (like Chewacla which is only a few miles away). Anyway, below are some of our previous paddling trips, wish we had time to go back to some of these great places.

These below were all shot with film so they are a little grainy, HDR high res images are in order soon.

๐Ÿ”ต Cat:

2 responses to “Dagger Kayaks on the Apostle Islands and Columbia River”

  1. Deborah Avatar

    Totally looking forward to our next new adventure!! Those photos are such wonderful reminders of our time we have spent together! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. […] a very quick trail run to test out the Dagger Axis 10.5 Kayak. This boat is much smaller than our previous kayaks but is very stable, easy to maneuver, and tracks quite well. We got to Chewacla to late to give it […]

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