The Bible Now Available in the Mam Language from Bible Gateway


I read this today and was fascinated. Can you believe with all the technology’s we have today that the Bible is still be translated into other languages, wow.

If you have never checked out Bible Gateway this is an amazing site, and I would highly recommend using it as an aid to anything scripture related.

I have been using Bible Gateway for many many years now and they just keep getting better and better. Today they announced that they have released the Bible language version (MVC) for the Mam language (see Mam language Bible now available), which they say traces their lineage back to the Mayan civilization.

I know there is so much work that goes on with translating into other languages, and it is almost all behind the scene stuff that we never hear about. I recently read about a man who had spent the last 5 years of his life doing nothing but translating the Bible from English into a specific language for a village in Africa.

This was not a large language translation like Spanish, or probably Mam, but for a select group of people. I met a fellow blogger, Biscuet, the other day who is back from China for a brief summer rest and I am sure he knows the value of a Bible given to someone in their own native tongue.

Those of us in the U.S. and Europe may just take for granted that we have a Bible we can read in our own native language, but for those hungry for God’s word that don’t have a way to read it for themselves, these translations are huge, and I think very noble work.

๐Ÿ”ต Cat: ,

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