How Do We Move to Fulfill the Great Commission?

Reading the Bible
Reading the Bible
Reading the Bible in Uganda

This is pretty straight forward question, not meant to be real complicated. How do we fulfill the Great Commission using the tools of the Internet? Just to start off, I don’t want to imply that this is an alternative, or replacement, for the action verb of “going”, but just a simple basic question, what are some of the ways we can partially fulfill the Great Commission as Jesus put forth in Mathew 28: 18-20.

Our world is a much bigger place than it was to the followers 2000 years ago, but we can cross political and geographical borders now with an ease and speed they could have never imagined.

18 And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

This was not the question posed in our service today, but today was the last lesson on our current series on becoming mission people and I thought a look at this subject would be appropriate.

Examples of Fulfilling the Great Commission

This isn’t meant to be real in depth or complicated, just let me know some of the ways you think the Internet can help to fulfill what Jesus said in Mathew 28. I will start it off with two obvious examples.

Blogging. This may be a slightly bias example but I think it is one example. The global reach of blogging now is to the point where you can develop relationships with your readers and subscribers. Just look at how many great Christian bloggers there are now. Just a few small examples of some of the latest posts would be:

And there are many more great examples (although I wish Desiring God Blog would allow comments and interact with their readers… if anyone from there happens to read this).

Bible Gateway. What an amazing example this group has become over the years. I started using Bible Gateway many many years ago and its growth is astounding, but for good reason. They have made the scriptures available to anyone, anywhere, that has an Internet connection. With an amazing number of languages, translations, and study guides, searches and more, this is one great example of how to reach across political borders for Christ. (update: another great example here is

What are some other examples you can think of?

๐Ÿ”ต Cat:

3 responses to “How Do We Move to Fulfill the Great Commission?”

  1. Myra Jackson Avatar Main Site
    click “go”
    click “global action”
    click “ships”

    Myra Jacksons last blog post..Good blog…I wanna be like forrest gump

  2. Myra Jackson Avatar

    Thank you for asking me to post a comment here and for trying to spread the word. I’ve had a few minutes to sit and poke around here and I wish I could stay longer, however, 5 children….i’m sure that explains enough. I’ll be back soon to read more! Great site and lots of reading to keep me busy for awhile ๐Ÿ™‚ We might be planning a short stop to visit Brian, perhaps we’ll meet then.

    Myra Jacksons last blog post..Good blog…I wanna be like forrest gump

  3. George R. Eddy Avatar

    I would recommend Bible Bulletin Board, which has a very extensive collection of the sermons of Charles Spurgeon and George Whitefield, among others. I love to port them over to my Palm IIIxe to read on the road.

    George R. Eddys last blog post..Pro panhandlers

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